Training Times
NB. Due to guidelines set in place following COVID, please can we remind all players that they need to bring their own ball to training and not rely on others. Balls can be purchased from Julie for £12.
Training for 2024-2025 season will take place at Tiffin Girl’s School at the following times:
SATURDAY | Tiffin Girl’s School
9.45am - 11.00am: Years 4 & 5
11.00am -12.15pm: Years 6, 7 & 8
12.15pm - 1.30pm: Years 9, 10 & 11
Tiffin Girls School is located on Richmond Road, Kingston, Surrey, KT2 5PE.
If you cannot attend training, you MUST notify us through the Teamo app. 3 un-notified absences without a reason will result in suspension for the remainder of term.
Guidance for parents:
Photographs shouldn’t be taken of the girls playing netball (this includes photographs of your own daughter).
Training takes place at a school so dogs must stay at home. It’s a shame, we know, but if we don’t follow the school’s rules, we’ll all have to leave!